mums + bubs
exercise classes

Our mums + bubs clinical exercise classes are a great way for you to get back to exercising after giving birth. Childbirth is physically demanding on your body, whether it’s a vaginal or caesarean birth. These classes are tailored to postnatal women with a focus on pelvic floor activation, restoring your core and strengthening the upper and lower body for the challenges that motherhood will bring. 

If you have further exercise goals, such as returning to running, weightlifting, high intensity fitness classes or sport, our clinical exercise classes can be an excellent stepping stone to build the foundations of a resilient and injury-free body. Bubs are always welcome to our classes and we provide bouncers, playmats and baby carriers to help keep them comfortable whilst you exercise. Or if your little one is struggling to settle, our pilates instructors are highly skilled at incorporating them into your workout too - including if you need to feed mid-session! And yes, you can still attend even without your bub too. 

Please note that once your bub is able to crawl and naturally becomes interested in the reformer and all the fun things you can do on it, we can unfortunately no longer accommodate them as there is a risk they might injure themselves on the equipment. 

If you’re a new client to Embrace Physio + Pilates, you must book an initial assessment before commencing exercise classes with us.

For newly postnatal clients, we recommend these classes from eight weeks postnatal and advise to book an initial postnatal appointment (60 minutes) or otherwise an initial clinical exercise assessment (pilates) appointment (30 minutes) prior to starting classes. 

book an initial assessment.

book a group class.